The Missing – Short Story

Picture by Barbara W. Beacham

Mondays Finish the Story

Arriving at the beach, she reflected on her life. Mea searched the waves for two poles where the village bell hung. She had missed the bell sounds and the village gatherings. It has been 20 years since she left for Australia. The bell hung in the village centre; now, only seawater.

“I can’t see it,” she told her brother Tau.

“I don’t think it’s there anymore”.

“Right there” she pointed. “And what happened to Bubu Raga’s coconut trees?”

“The King tides, five years ago, took Moale’s family’s house, betel nut, breadfruit and the coconut trees. We dashed for the hill”.

“Oh My God! That would’ve been scary”.

“Yes, we lost everything. That was the day Chief Naka accepted the government’s offer to relocate us with other climate change refugees. It’s strange being on other people’s land. You are very restricted, but in the past 30 years, the water has raised so much. Our island will soon be completely submerged”.

44 thoughts on “The Missing – Short Story”

  1. A great written depiction of a very sad reality ~ We will never begin to understand or value what we have, until it is too late. United action is needed to defeat the horror of climate change. I feel great sadness for the people who are driven from their roots. Very well written Joycelin.

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  2. The pain of leaving ones land is great. The worse thing is when in a new land you are not accepted and looked down upon. I was reading in an article that climate change will affect the developing countries the most. A nice take on the prompt showing a painful truth of the now situation.

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    1. Thank you very much Norma. I am glad you understand that. In my own culture (Melanesian), land is the most important cultural entity – we kill for it. With re-location, people become lost and dis-oriented. In PNG, it is a real challenge for both the people and the government – even though, culturally we are very good at adapting.


      1. I have a step-son and a beautiful granddaughter. But since my daughter-in-law is ready to give birth any second she didn’t feel like company. We didn’t push. It’s her first year as a mom. Can’t wait for the new baby, though. Another girl.

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      1. Spain was very hot but very beautiful. We saw some amazing historical sites – which was the purpose of going to Andalucia, as part of my third book is set there. It’s going to take a while to get back to normality, even though we’ve only been away from home for nine days, I can’t even begin to try to catch up on posts I’ve missed. Glad to see you’re persevering, despite your arm and shoulder. 🙂

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    1. Yes, it is. I am writing from reality. Thank you for visiting my blog. I have travelled to may islands where people have already been relocated. In 2007/8/9, I based my Masters thesis on this topic. The climate refugees don’t only lose their land, they also lose their cultures and their sense of identity. I will read your story.

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