A Writer’s Guide to Defamation and Invasion of Privacy

I found this gem on Writer’s Digest. I am writing a memoir and I asked the question, “who will you hurt when you write?” in an earlier post. I think this article by Attorney Amy Cook answers that question in some aspects. 

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A Writer’s Guide to Defamation and Invasion of Privacy

by Amy Cook

A memoir is your story, but of course it will involve many other people. Most of us have not led completely charmed lives. Everyone has ups and downs, and those who write memoirs usually have had mountains and valleys—that’s what makes them so interesting. Recent bestselling memoirs are replete with addiction, abuse, homelessness and triumph over these adversities. But do the other people in your story want theirs told? Are there elements that might be embarrassing to them? Will their memories be in sync with yours?

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7 thoughts on “A Writer’s Guide to Defamation and Invasion of Privacy”

      1. You’re very welcome & I’m “Hanging in there”—many challenges—many prayers uttered… Thank you for asking & hoping you’re facing your challenges with determination and productivity…

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