Top 100 Writing Blogs for 2016

I found this article on the Chicago Writers Association website.

Arnuj Agawal has compiled the top 100 writing blogs for authors and bloggers in 2016. He writes that these blogs are on the top 100 because of their popularity. Click on the link at the end of the post to see the blogs.

“This year I’m starting the year right by highlighting some of the best writing blogs on the web. I love to visit blogs about writing for inspiration, encouragement and motivation, and it’s with those three qualities in mind that I have compiled this list of the top 100 writing blogs for 2016.

You might be a creative writer looking to improve your skills or a beginner novelist looking to pen your first book, or you might be a blogger wondering how to make more money from your blog or turn it into a full-time business. Whatever type of writer you are, the Internet has some great writing blogs that provide advice, tips, tricks and inspiration to help you. This post takes a look at top 100 writing blogs for bloggers and authors”, wrote Agawal.

The Top 100 Blogs

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